Monday, May 16, 2022

Be an Advocate

 Advocacy is the Best Policy

advocate: standing up for someone or for oneself to argue the bettering of one's life. 

Let's advocate! What does that mean specifically; advocacy? I have heard of this term being thrown around but I haven't fully implemented it and pushed the importance of advocacy until recently. My advocacy for my three-year-old needed to be addressed and I'm so pleased I did.  

My toddler snores. Yes, I know, "how silly, how cute," when in reality, it's concerning. Afterexamined her breathing a bit more & worried about her continuous cough, our pediatrician was out of town at the time but I was able to get a virtual visit with an on-call pediatrician. During our virtual visit, that pediatrician asked if my toddler has ever sneezed. "Of course she has," I replied a bit irritated. Babies sneeze right out of the womb. The conclusion was: my daughter has allergies and I can try Zyrtec. Hanging up from that appointment I felt confused, upset and unheard. We started the Zyrtec (antihistamine) hoping that it would be the root cause of her cough. However, my daughter's immune system was then suppressed causing her to get more sick (Fun fact: antihistamines lower your immune system). So another few weeks of the coughing, the congestion and sleepless nights continued.  

Desperate, I asked for another appointment with her pediatrician. This time, in person. Weeks passed, the sickness and sadness, the confusion on my end (what did I do wrong?) continued. 

When I was able to finally meet in-person with our pediatrician, my daughters cough was alarming. I asked about her tonsils, perhaps they were enlarged, and told her about the snoring and her pediatrician suggested to take a X-ray for a further examination.

The results were very clear; she has an enlarged adenoid. An adenoid is soft tissue that sit above the tonsils in the back of the mouth. Hers are particularly so enlarged her breathing is being limited and her airway is compressed to 20%; hence the snoring. The lingering cough was due to a nasal drip that she couldn't fight. Had I not seen our pediatrician face-to-face, had I not asked for the x-ray, had I not said, "her snoring is actually concerning," we wouldn't be scheduling her surgery and meeting with the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist. 

Relief! Finally, mthree-year-old's surgery was scheduled in early June 2022!  

Parents! We must advocate for our children. You have EVERY right to do so!

Friday, May 6, 2022

May = Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month!

That's a huge title for a blog post but... here we are! 

Updates: Lindsay and I have been continuing our Perinatal OCD group and it's success rates were so high that we now have PSI (Postpartum Support International) launching a group every Tuesday! Register here!

Podcasts that I absolutely love: 

I often say, "I feel like I'm learning when I listen to a Podcast," and it's very accurate. I hope you can gain something from these podcasters.

Stay well friends! 

Please follow us: Perinatalmama

Tips & Tricks with perinatal OCD

 Hello! I wanted to mention a few tips and tricks that have helped me with my OCD and share them all with you! When you have an intrusive t...